
Our Sustainability Efforts

We Take Responsibility for Future Generations

Sustainability to us means embracing responsibility for future generations. It's about ensuring our actions today pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Committing to a sustainable world is an integral part of our vision. From the minor daily choices to the major decisions made at the executive level – sustainability should be the golden thread weaving through everything we do.

Our Focus Areas

Our sustainability efforts are anchored in Agenda 2030, a framework adopted by all United Nations member countries in 2015. This agenda outlines 17 goals across environmental, social, and economic sustainability, all targeted for achievement by 2030. From these 17 global objectives, we've identified key focus areas where we believe our impact and potential for positive change is greatest. Below, you can explore more about our sustainability goals and the actions we're taking to meet them.


We reduce our carbon emissions and embrace circular practices

We are deeply committed to addressing climate change and are taking measures to reduce our carbon footprint. This commitment includes initiatives such as reducing our energy consumption, increasing our use of renewable energy sources, and adopting responsible travel practices.

By recycling and reusing IT equipment to the fullest extent possible, we significantly reduce our environmental impact and demonstrate care for our planet's resources. To ensure sustainability throughout our operations, we also prioritize selecting partners and suppliers who share our environmental objectives.

We take social responsibility for our community

Respecting human rights, safeguarding the health and well-being of people, and acting as a responsible community member are core to our values. We embrace social responsibility by adhering to our ethical guidelines concerning human rights, equality, and anti-corruption. Furthermore, we demand that our partners and suppliers meet or exceed these high standards in these areas.

We support the local economy by selecting products and services from within the community, while also making financial contributions to reputable charitable organizations in Sweden and internationally. Through our partnership with the foundation Ankarstiftelsen, we have also helped construct three schools in socially disadvantaged areas in Colombia.

We empower our clients to achieve their sustainability goals

We take pride in delivering digital products that not only meet the highest standards of quality and security but also promote sustainable business practices, taking into account the well-being of both people and the planet.

Beyond streamlining work processes, we assist our clients with digital data collection solutions that support their efforts in environmental sustainability and the social well-being of their workforce. Our aim is to persist in developing our products with sustainability as a core focus, consistently offering more innovative solutions through close collaboration with our clients.

We are a sustainable workplace for our employees

Being an employer who deeply cares about ensuring a positive work environment for all employees is our utmost priority. We strive to cultivate an inclusive workplace where every employee feels safe and valued, as outlined in our equal treatment policy.

With benefits such as flexible working hours, wellness allowances, and the option for remote work, we are dedicated to promoting health and achieving a healthy work-life balance. Employee satisfaction and engagement are measured and monitored through regular pulse surveys. Our commitment extends to ensuring gender balance, equal pay and conditions, and ample opportunities for professional development for everyone at our company.

Our journey towards sustainability continues. Together.

Sustainaibilty presents the most significant challenge of our time. As s a modern, rapidly growing tech company, we bear a crucial responsibility to recognize our impact on people, the environment, and society – and to seize the opportunities we have to make a difference.

We firmly believe that growth and sustainability are not mutually exclusive but are, in fact, complementary. Sustainable business practices are not just a moral obligation but also a cornerstone for long-term success and competitive advantage. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

At Flex Applications, our commitment to sustainability is an ongoing journey. However, we cannot undertake this journey alone. By collaborating with customers, partners, and other stakeholders, we can achieve far more than we ever could independently. Collaboration opens doors to sharing experiences and learning from each other. It offers a constant source of inspiration and challenges us to improve continually.

Together, we can ensure our planet becomes a greener, healthier, safer, and more equitable place to live. Are you with us on this journey?

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